Exchange of e-invoices via Peppol

Exchange of e-invoices via Peppol

Transfer of e-invoices – XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing – between  Salesforce and Peppol

Would you like to exchange e-invoices between Salesforce and Peppol?

JustOn offers the option of exchanging e-invoices in the format XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing between Salesforce and Peppol via a direct integration into the Peppol network.

Learn more about the following topics on this page:

What is Peppol?

How do you send e-invoices via Peppol?

What are the benefits of transmitting e-invoices via Peppol?

Does JustOn offer a connection from Salesforce to Peppol?

What is Peppol?

Peppol – Pan-European Public Procurement OnLine – offers an open network through which all participating companies and institutions can exchange electronic invoices in legally compliant formats and organize their procurement processes (e-procurement) in accordance with the Directive 2014/55/EU.

The standardized electronic formats XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing ensure the consistent transmission of invoices between companies and public institutions in the Peppol infrastructure.

As opposed to all other transmission options for e-invoices, Peppol is the only channel to offer machine-to-machine automation.

How do you send e-invoices via Peppol?

The exchange of e-invoices in the standardized digital formats XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing guarantees direct transmission to processing systems. According to the EN-16931 standard for electronic invoicing, the use of the XML data format is mandatory in Europe.

This makes the electronic exchange of invoices between contractors and clients much more efficient. In particular, in companies that process a large number of orders in particular will benefit from this service, which guarantees legal compliance, seamless processing and immediate payments.

With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you can exchange e-invoices directly between Salesforce and Peppol.

What are the benefits of transmitting e-invoices via Peppol?

The transmission of invoices in the XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing format via the Peppol network reduces the workload for invoice senders and recipients. The use of the network guarantees the fully automated, seamless exchange of invoice documents.

Companies with a high volume of e-invoices benefit from this automation, as do smaller companies. The connection to the Peppol network ensures error reduction, high security and efficient digital processes in the transmission of e-invoices in the XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing format.

Does JustOn offer a connection from Salesforce to Peppol?

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management offers seamless data transfer between Salesforce and Peppol.

The direct integration enables users of our software to exchange electronic invoices in XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing formats via the Peppol network – both nationally and internationally. This function reduces the workload for senders and recipients and ensures a high level of security: data transfer is encrypted and complies with legal requirements via a four-corner model.

By January 2025, users of JustOn Billing & Invoice Management will also be able to receive e-invoices from the Peppol network in Salesforce.

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XRechnung and Factur-X in Salesforce

XRechnung and Factur-X in Salesforce

Create, send and receive e-invoices in the formats XRechnung and Factur-X in Salesforce

E-invoice formats XRechnung and Factur-X in Salesforce

On this page you will learn how to create, send, receive and manage e-invoices in XRechnung, Peppol BIS Billing and FacturX format in Salesforce.

Our billing software JustOn Billing & Invoice Management already offers some of these functions, while others are currently under development. With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you will be well prepared for the legal deadline of January 1, 2025.

In the following, we will inform you about the legally compliant e-invoice formats:

Which e-invoicing formats apply in Germany and France?

What is a XRechnung?

What is a Factur-X?

Create and manage XRechnung and Factur-X

Sending, transferring and receiving XRechnung and Factur-X

Which e-invoicing formats apply in Germany and France?

According to the EN-16931 Directive for electronic invoicing, the use of the XML data format is mandatory for e-invoices in Europe. Each EU member state can develop its own specification based on this standard.

In Germany, the E-Invoicing Ordinance (E-Recnungsverordnung) defines the invoice formats XRechnung and ZUGFeRD (Zentraler User Guide des Forums elektronische Rechnung Deutschland) as the standard for electronic invoicing.

France and Germany have developed the Factur-X format, which is identical to the ZUGFeRD format.

These standards are designed to unify invoice formats and increase security in the exchange of invoice data.

What is a XRechnung?

XRechnung is the name for an e-invoice standard valid in Germany. It complies with the European standard EN-16931 and is based on a pure XML data model. This means that the invoice is completely machine-readable and does not contain a human-readable image of the invoice data.

The XRechnung is based on the Directive 2014/55/EU and the DIN EN 16931 standard and therefore fulfills all the requirements necessary for digital invoicing.

What is a Factur-X?

The Factur-X invoice format is identical to the ZUGFeRD format. Like XRechnung and ZUGFeRD, Factur-X is based on the Directive 2014/55/EU and the DIN EN 16931 standard and can therefore be used for electronic invoicing in France.

While XRechnung is based on a pure XML data model, the Factur-X e-invoice format combines the benefits of PDF and XML. It is therefore a hybrid format that combines the human-readable PDF format with the machine-readable XML format. The XML file is embedded in the PDF and is therefore exchanged at the same time.

Create and manage XRechnung and Factur-X

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management automatically creates e-invoices in XRechnung format from finalized invoices in Salesforce.

These invoices in XML format are saved as an attachment to the invoice data record and can thus be processed and archived in compliance with the law.

The creation and management of e-invoices in FacturX format is currently under development and will be offered by JustOn as a new function in the near future.

Sending, transferring and receiving XRechnung and Factur-X

E-invoices in the XRechnung and Factur-X formats (in development) can be sent automatically from Salesforce by e-mail or via invoice portals using JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

E-invoices in XRechnung format can already be transferred to the Peppol open network via JustOn Billing & Invoice Management. A direct integration enables the transfer from Salesforce to Peppol and from there to the invoice recipients.

The function to receive XRechnung and Factur-X in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management – and therefore in Salesforce – is currently under development.

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E-invoices in Salesforce

E-invoices in Salesforce

Management of e-invoices in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management

Create, send, receive and manage electronic invoices in Salesforce

How can companies receive electronic invoices? How can e-invoices be created, sent and managed?

On this page, we answer these questions and present solutions for receiving and sending e-invoices via JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

Requirements for creating and exchanging e-invoices

Creating e-invoices in Salesforce

Sending and transferring e-invoices from Salesforce

Receiving e-invoices in Salesforce

Requirements for creating and exchanging e-invoices

Companies must create the preconditions for fulfilling the e-invoice obligation at their own initiative.

In addition to the data already used on invoices, the exchange of electronic invoices requires the VAT identification number of the invoice issuer and an electronic address for the sender and recipient (according to the Electronic Address Scheme). This data is used to uniquely identify the business partners.

In addition, companies need software products that automate the following processes:

  • Generating e-invoices
  • Sending e-invoices
  • Receiving e-invoices
  • Processing and archiving of incoming and outgoing e-invoices

With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you are already on the safe side from January 1, 2025 and can invoice your services and products in compliance with the law.

Product information

Creating e-invoices in Salesforce

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management automatically creates e-invoices from finalized invoices. To do this, the application generates an XML file, validates it and saves it as an attachment to the invoice data record.

E-invoices can be generated in the following invoice formats:

  • Peppol BIS Billing (with UBL syntax) for Europe-wide invoicing
  • XRechnung (with UBL syntax) for invoicing within Germany

The creation and management of invoices in Factur-X format is currently under development and will be offered as a new function by the end of 2024.

​​As JustOn Billing & Invoice Management saves e-invoices as an attachment to the invoice data record, they can be managed and archived like all invoices in compliance with the law.

Sending and transferring e-invoices from Salesforce

The finalized e-invoices can be sent automatically from Salesforce via JustOn Billing & Invoice Management by e-mail or via invoice portals.

One of these invoice portals is the open network Peppol, to which e-invoices are sent and from where they are transferred to the recipients. JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports the transfer option from Salesforce to Peppol.

The third option for transferring e-invoices in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management is the transfer to Basware Network Services, which can also be initiated with just a few clicks.

Receiving e-invoices in Salesforce

From January 1, 2025, all companies in the B2B sector must be able to receive invoices as e-invoices. This can take place via email, invoice portals or special networks.

For incoming invoices in Salesforce, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management already offers the option of receiving e-invoices by email.

From January 2025, receiving e-invoices in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management will also be possible via the Peppol network.

Create and process e-invoices in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management

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What is an e-invoice?

What is an e-invoice?

Questions and answers on electronic invoices – e-invoices

General information on e-invoices

What is an e-invoice? What are the advantages of electronic invoices? And how do e-invoices replace other invoice formats?

On this page we will answer frequently asked questions about electronic invoices:

What is an e-invoice?

Which are the benefits of e-invoices?

Is a pdf an e-invoice?

Which data does an e-invoice include?

What is an e-invoice?

An electronic invoice – or e-invoice for short – is an invoice in the form of a structured electronic document. This makes it different from a paper invoice, a scanned paper invoice or an invoice in PDF format. The e-invoice is generated, transmitted, received and processed completely electronically.

The structured format contains all invoice data that has previously been included on paper invoices or in PDF files. E-invoicing enables the seamless, automatic, and direct electronic processing of invoice data.

In Germany, electronic invoicing for invoice exchange with public authorities under the E-Invoicing Ordinance (E-Rechnungsverordnung) in 2020. From January 2025, it will also be mandatory in the B2B sector (Growth Opportunity Act (Wachstumschancengesetz).

What are the benefits of e-invoicing?

The e-invoice replaces the paper invoice and all data formats previously used in the billing process. This brings significant benefits for your financial process.

The exchange of electronic invoices in a standardized digital format enables the complete automation of your processes and guarantees the direct transfer to processing systems.

This makes the electronic exchange of invoices between suppliers and clients much more efficient. In particular, companies that process a large number of orders in particular will benefit from this service. They automate their processes, create legally compliant invoice documents, process them seamlessly and can expect immediate payments.

Last but not least, the introduction of electronic invoicing eliminates costs that were incurred through paper invoices and other data formats – expenses for manual processing, but also for paper, mailing and document storage.

Is a pdf an e-invoice?

A PDF invoice is not an e-invoice. It does not matter whether it was generated directly as a PDF file in a billing system or scanned from a paper invoice. The invoice as a PDF file may have been created, transmitted and received in an electronic format, but it still is only the digital image of an invoice that cannot be processed automatically or electronically. This includes other file formats such as .jpg, .tiff or .docx.

In terms of processing, PDF invoices hardly differ from paper invoices. Although you no longer have to scan them, the invoice data still has to be transferred to the accounting system manually or via other systems.

PDF invoices therefore do not comply with the Directive on electronic invoices applicable in the European Union.

Which data does an e-invoice include?

On the one hand, an electronic invoice includes the data required in paper invoices:

  • Invoice number
  • Payment conditions
  • Bank details
  • VAT identification number

On the other hand, e-invoices require an “electronic address” for the invoice issuer and the invoice recipient. This information allows the sender and recipient to be clearly identified and must comply with the EU-regulated Electronic Address Scheme (EAS).

Create and manage e-invoices in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management

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XRechnung and ZUGFeRD

XRechnung and ZUGFeRD

E-invoicing standards for Germany and Europe

Legally compliant e-invoicing standards

Since November 2020, the e-invoice regulation has been in force, which defines the standards for electronic invoicing for public sector contracts in Germany and Europe. The invoice formats XRechnung and ZUGFeRD have been defined as compliant with the law.

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management ensures that companies in Germany and Europe can create their invoices according to these invoicing standards and send them to public contract partners.

XRechnung and ZUGFeRD

XRechnung is the first e-standard to be established. It is based on an XML data model and developed especially for the exchange of electronic invoices with public clients. The standard is designed to standardized invoice formats and to improve security.

The ZUGFeRD invoice profile complies with the XRechnung e-invoice standard and can therefore also be used for invoicing public sector customers.

More efficiency through electronic invoice exchange

Especially companies that process many public contracts will benefit from this service, which guarantees legal compliance, seamless processing and immediate payments.

Electronic invoice exchange between companies and public-sector clients is made much more efficient in this way.

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Recurring Billing

Recurring Billing

Recurring billing of subscriptions in Salesforce

Recurring billing – a model for success

Subscription billing – the recurring billing based on subscriptions and periodic contracts – is a particular strength of our software. Creating recurring invoices is based on an automated process that enables companies to generate and send invoices to their customers at regular intervals.

Recurring billing is an important part of the subscription management, the most successful business model of our time. This model owes its success to several key advantages it offers companies and customers compared to one-time sales.

Benefits of Subscription Billing

A subscription model allows companies to combine details like products, prices and terms in one contract, the billing of which can be easily automated. Using subscriptions, end customers are given the flexibility to buy products and services precisely according to their own needs.

These contracts, which are typical for subscription management, offer further benefits for companies and their customers: Through regularly receiving payments, companies can better assess their liquidity, prospectively plan their finances, and build long-term customer relationships. Customers, on the other hand, benefit from predictable, regular and constant expenses and their planning over a long term.

Subscriptions as basis for recurring billing

Subscription contracts record and manage all data relevant to billing:

  • Items in the form of products or services
  • Pricing model including price tiers, discounts and automatic price increases
  • Options for installments
  • Start and end dates of the contract
  • Due dates

The subscription becomes the billing plan for both parties. From the subscription, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management collects all the invoicing-relevant data and creates your invoices via an automatic invoice run.

To this end, it combines account information such as name and address with the products booked in the subscription contract, the pricing model and the due dates.

From invoice to payment

The regular generation of recurring invoices is seamlessly followed by the distribution to customers, SEPA direct debit collection, automatic verification of incoming payments, receivables management via an automated dunning run, and payment reconciliation.

Customers can pay their invoices directly via the payment page of JustOn Cash Management or, in prospectively issue a SEPA mandate for direct debit collection.

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Billing Automation

Billing automation

Billing automation for digital business models


Billing automation as solid basis

Contracts and billing automation are the basis of any business. Whether your business model is based on recurring billing (subscription), one-time sales of products and services, or usage-based data: You monetize these models or combinations of them directly via JustOn.

That is why the software is ideal for monetizing innovative business models, based on subscriptions, commissions and marketplace scenarios.

JustOn automatically retrieves all relevant data from your CRM, ERP, project management or issue tracking systems as the basis for the invoice generation.

Mapping any contract model

In JustOn, you model your contracts manually or have them built automatically. The resulting billing plans make up the „blueprints“ for the future invoices. They combine the relevant customer data with the details of the products or services to be charged, which will figure as invoice line items on the created invoices.

JustOn allows for flexibly creating contracts, supporting

  • Service periods
  • Automatic renewals
  • Cancellation terms
  • Rule-based price increases

You can also create invoices directly from arbitrary objects or opportunities, bypassing the billing plans.

Unlimited Pricing Options

Using JustOn, you quickly set up and monetize every pricing or business model. The software includes multiple preconfigured models and provides the possibility to configure new models according to your needs. Define your pricing models and billing periods, keeping the option to modify or adjust them according to your business and processes.

JustOn provides unlimited possibilities to configure your product and service offering. Without great effort, you define any pricing and billing models:

  • One-time payments for products and services
  • Reccuring billing for subscriptions
  • Usage-based billing (time, clicks, numbers, orders)
  • Commission-based contracts (revenue, quantity)
  • Flat rates and tiered prices
  • Quantity discounts or bundled pricing with a minimum fee
  • Prices with start and end dates
  • Payment plans (installments)

Subscriptions, commissions and marketplaces

ou run a marketplace, sell subscriptions or invoice service packages in combination with individual usage data? In any case, JustOn is the perfect billing solution for your business model. Several recipients, multiple currencies or different languages do not cause problems.

Innovative, forward-looking business ideas are characterized by flexibility. With JustOn, you flexibly model your business scenarios so that they always meet the rapidly changing market conditions and customer needs in the best possible way.

Flexible pricing models and wide-range offerings improve the customer relationship and drive your economic success.

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VAT Check


Automatic VAT validation in Salesforce

VAT identification number validation

VAT Check: Before doing business across borders in the EU, companies need to validate the VAT identification number – also called VAT number – of their business partners.

The VAT Check via JustOn Billing & Invoice Management gives our customers the security that an European VAT information exists.

This means our customers can ensure that their business partners are subject to value-added tax and can sell their goods or services VAT-free in B2B business. If companies do not chec k the VAT identification number and it is found that the customer’s information was incorrect, the companies will pay the VAT themselves.

Direct connection to the VAT information exchange service

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management offers a direct integration with the European VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) for VAT validation.

This system searches VAT identification numbers in national VAT databases and tells whether EU VAT information exists.

VAT information at a glance

Using the integration with VIES you can directly check if a company is registered for cross-border business within the EU. This validation is done by an automatic check of the VAT number of one or more accounts.

As a result, you will know if the VAT number is valid.

You will also receive:

  • the name and address associated linked to the VAT number (if permitted by the relevant country)
  • the timestamps of the last checks and
  • any error messages.

Information of the invalidity of VAT numbers

If VIES indicates that a VAT number is invalid, this may be du to various reasons.

Either the VAT number does not exist in the databases that are accessed by VIES or the number is not activated for cross-border transactions within the countries of the European Union. It is also possible that the company is not yet registered with its VAT number, but the registration is already in progress.

Changes may not be reflected immediately in the national databases, which is why VIES may not always retrieve current information.

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SCHUFA Credit Information B2C

SCHUFA credit information B2C

SCHUFA credit checks for the B2C sector

Reliable information for the B2C sector

For companies that work in direct contact with end customers, JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries offers the following types of SCHUFA credit information B2C.

  • SCHUFA Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Identity Check

SCHUFA information for end customers

Benefit from SCHUFA information B2C.

You receive reliable information on the creditworthiness of your customers, information on non-contractual business transactions and data from public directories and official announcements.

SCHUFA identity check

The SCHUFA Identity Check provides you with important information on natural persons.

Using the SCHUFA Identity Check, you can actively protect yourself against identity fraud, for example. By comparing the specified personal data with the SCHUFA database, you gain clarity about the identity of your customer.

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SCHUFA Credit Information B2B

SCHUFA credit information B2B

SCHUFA credit checks for the B2B sector

More trust and security

The application can be used to quickly and easily create three types of SCHUFA credit information in the B2B sector:

  • SCHUFA Short Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Short Inquiry Direct
  • SCHUFA Compact Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Full Inquiry

The integrated monitoring automatically updates the data and informs you about changes.

Brief information for a compressed overview

The short inquiry offers reliable data that provides you with a compressed overview of the liquidity of (potential) business partners.

This type of information is suitable for deals whose loss would represent a small to medium business risk.

Compact and full credit information

The compact and full inquiry provide more detailed information on the creditworthiness of potential and existing customers.

Based on a broader database, it offers your company even more security. They are a good choice for checking the liquidity of business partners before concluding an order with a larger volume.

This way, you can prevent non-payments, which represent a medium to large business risk.

Automatic Monitoring for B2B

The SCHUFA reporting service as an automatic monitoring function is ideal for companies that want to keep an eye on the current financial situation of their B2B business partners. Using this functionality, you can retrieve regularly updated liquidity information from SCHUFA.

If you have ordered the reporting service for the account of an existing customer, a new report is automatically generated and assigned to the customer account as soon as new data is available. You can then compare the current data with previous reports in order to analyze the credit rating history, identify trends at an early stage, and minimize risks.

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