SCHUFA Credit Information

SCHUFA credit information

Automatic SCHUFA credit check for Salesforce


Safe time and money

Reduce your administrative effort with automatic SCHUFA credit information.

JustOn_Minimieren _von_Risiken

Minimize financial risks

Check your customers’ liquidity and reduce the risk of non-payment.


Strengthen relationships

Create the basis for sustainable and trusting customer relations.

More trust and security

Long-term customer relationships are based on transparency and trust. Check the liquidity of your business partners directly in Salesforce.

You can use our software to automatically retrieve SCHUFA information. We offer various types of reports for the B2B and B2C sectors provided by our partner SCHUFA.

Selection of credit information

JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries allows you to retrieve different types of SCHUFA information. For the B2B area, companies benefit from:

  • SCHUFA Short Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Short Inquiry Direct
  • SCHUFA Compact Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Full Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Monitoring

In the B2C sector, the following SCHUFA checks are particularly relevant:

  • SCHUFA Inquiry
  • SCHUFA Identity Check

All types of SCHUFA information are directly accessible in our Salesforce application and can be retrieved from there for each account.

Retrieval based on a legitimate interest

In order to request a SCHUFA inquiry, you must indicate a legitimate interest within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO). The basis is a contractually fixed business relationship between your company and your customers. JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries supports the following legitimate interest types for B2B-type inquiries:

  • Ownership structure
  • Credit check
  • Receivable
  • Initial business contact
  • Credit decision
  • Overdue claim
  • Insurance contract
  • Enforcement information

Automatic Monitoring

In addition to the situational assessment of the creditworthiness of business partners, the app provides the SCHUFA monitoring. Companies operating in the B2B sector can access updated information at any time via permanent monitoring.

This enables companies to compare SCHUFA credit information and to better assess opportunities and risks even beyond the conclusion of the transaction.

Storage of the information

Each requested inquiry is saved directly at the customer account in Salesforce.

There, it can be opened and downloaded as pdf document.

The automatic SCHUFA check for Salesforce complements your 360-degree customer view and reduces the risk of non-payment.

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Invoice Management

Invoice Management

Invoicing in Salesforce: Digital, fast, correct

Automatic Invoice Generation

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management handles your invoicing process and offers an efficient invoice management in Salesforce.

The software automatically captures customer and contract data as well as product and price information from your backend systems – Salesforce or other CRMs, ERP, project management or issue tracking systems.

It prepares this data, and generates, distributes and archives your invoices.

In all cases, you define the billing details, the level of automation and the invoice design.

Automatic Invoice Run

The invoice run is the core concept of JustOn’s invoice management. Based on the retrieved data, it generates invoices, pro forma invoices or credits, where you always determine the level of automation.

  • The automatic invoice run performs the following steps of the invoice management:
  • Retrieving customer and contract data
  • Retrieving product and price information
  • Preparing invoice data
  • Generating and updating draft invoices
  • Updating draft invoices
  • Generating invoices, pro forma invoices and credits

Cancellations, credits & more

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management also allows for:

  • Canceling invoices
  • Creating invoices manually
  • Triggering partial credits, settlements or refunds
  • Defining invoice runs for different invoicing periods
  • Starting invoice runs manually or automatically
  • Centrally generating invoices for multiple subsidiaries

Invoices in your Corporate Design

With JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you create invoices exactly as you need. The software offers versatile layout and design options, and ships multiple invoice templates, which you can adjust to your corporate design.

In detail, JustOn provides:

  • Versatile options for your invoice layout and design
  • Options for defining e-mail content
  • Support for many languages
  • Multiple number and data formats
  • Multiple options to display usage data
  • Different layouts for multiple tenants or subsidiaries

Tax compliant invoices

Tax-compliant billing & invoicing: Companies can overcome this hurdle by automating their financial processes with JustOn.

Tax law requirements, national, European and international tax rates and other relevant tax rules can be solved with the help of JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

The software enables companies to comply with the GoB and GoBD as the tax law basis in Germany, to check VAT identification numbers for cross-border transactions within the EU, or bill in compliance with North American tax rules for trade relations with the USA and Canada.

Invoice distribution and storage

JustOn automatically distributes and archives your invoices. Choose the variant your customers want from different distribution channels.

JustOn supports multiple channels for distributing invoices:

  • Distribution via mail
  • E-mail distribution of PDF documents
  • Integration with e-invoicing services like Basware and Crossinx
  • Upload to cloud storage services like Google Drive or Amazon S3
  • Convenient invoice archiving
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Compliance with NF203 and ISO/IEC 25051:2014

Compliance with NF203 and ISO/IEC 25051:2014

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management – compliant with French digital accounting standards

Compliance with NF203 and ISO/IEC 25051:2014

The software JustOn Billing & Invoice Management complies with the French standard NF Logiciel (NF203) and the international standard ISO/IEC 25051:2014.

This is the result of the comprehensive audit carried out by the French certification provider INFOCERT and confirmed by the Association française de normalisation (AFNOR).

We are very satisfied with the outcome of this complex certification process. This way, we ensure for our customers that our invoicing software meets all the specific requirements that apply to computerized accounting in France. In addition, the certificate confirms that JustOn Billing & Invoice Management complies with the international criteria for Ready To Use Software Products (RUSP).

Marko Fliege, CEO of JustOn


Certification guarantees French tax compliance

French JustOn customers benefit from high quality and optimal security: the software solution automatically creates correct invoices and reminders, archives data and re-ceipts, organizes documents and makes bookings verifiable.

If legal requirements or tax rules change in France, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management will be adapted to these new regulations.

INFOCERT and AFNOR – French certification specialists

INFOCERT is a French government-approved provider specializing in software certifica-tion and ensuring the development of various standards. The certification was finally approved by the official French standardization institution Association française de normalisation (AFNOR).

It is a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Committee for Standardization and therefore involved in developing the international standard ISO/IEC 25051:2014.

Download the certification according to NF203 and ISO/ICE 25051:2014


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GoB and GoBD Compliance

GoB and GOBD compliance

GoB and GoBD compliance as a tax law basis

GoB and GoBD: The principles of proper accounting

Since 2015, the Principles of Proper Accounting (GoB) and the Principles for the Proper Keeping and Storage of Books, Records and Documents in Electronic Form and for Data Access (GoBD) have applied throughout Germany as the tax law basis. They set out the rules for creating, changing, arranging and archiving invoice documents.

Since 2017, non-compliance with these principles can result in fines.

In order to act safely here, it is recommended that companies automate their billing & invoicing processes using software that already complies with the principles. Our products are certified and offer this security to customers.

Automatic financial processes as solution

Automated, digital financial processes make it much easier to comply with the principles – which are complicated at first glance – and offer far-reaching advantages over manual invoice generation in other programs.

Software products from JustOn guarantee tax-compliant invoice creation, seamless, secure and timely archiving of data and receipts, and document storage.

In addition, the verifiability of all bookings is improved.

Companies benefit from time savings both during the fiscal year and when preparing the annual accounts, for which the software already provides the complete information.

Certification according to IDW PS 880

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management is certified according to IDW PS 880 standard for information security applicable in Germany. This certificate gives users the assurance that the principles for creating, editing and archiving invoice documents in the billing process are being followed.

The IDW PS 880 standard confirms that automatic billing & invoicing using software from JustOn complies with the GoB and the GoBD.

Even if these principles change, our customers are on the safe side because our software is regularly adapted to the new regulations.

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